Friday, 11 January 2013

Pennsylvania Senator to Initiate Marijuana Legalization Bill

Pennsylvania State Sen. Daylin Leach has proclaimed plans to introduce legislation that would legalize marijuana in Pennsylvania in a same manner that the state uses to regulate alcohol.

The bill would legalize marijuana for adults over the age of 21. It would still be illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana, behave badly while publicly intoxicated, or sell marijuana to minors.

'Like alcohol, legalization and regulation will make marijuana safer,' says Sen. Leach (D). 'People will no longer have to buy it on the streets from criminals who may have laced their product with other dangerous drugs. People buying legally will know exactly what they are getting and be able to rely on the safety of what they are purchasing.'

This legislation, if approved, would help halt the arrest of thousands of Pennsylvanians annually. Since 2006, 24,685 arrests were made for just marijuana possession at a cost of over 300 million dollars to the state's taxpayers, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

'This horrific policy must end. People around the nation are realizing that. And it is a moral imperative that Pennsylvania wake up and end prohibition now,' said Leach. 'It is time for Pennsylvania to be a leader in jettisoning this modern-day prohibition, and ending a policy that has been so destructive, costly, and anti-scientific.'

Leach, who has become known as a progressive voice in the legislature, previously introduced a bill that would allow the use of medical marijuana by eligible patients in the state.

Governor Tom Corbett has been opposed to legalizing marijuana, even for medicinal purposes. The bill is currently circulating for co sponsorship.
To get quality medical cannabis products, visit: San Francisco medical marijuana dispensary.

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