Thursday, 21 February 2013

Birthday of 1st US President

George Washington is an American hero whose eminence is not completely accounted for by the evidence of his life. Similar to Lincoln, the man was markedly greater than anything he did. A military genius, he wrested autonomy from despotism; a statesman, he helped develop a secure administration from political disorder; a compatriot, he refused a crown. Wisdom, patience, tolerance, courage, consecration to the virtuous causes dynamic his each act. Ingratitude, prejudice and disloyalty never disillusioned him, but served to reinforce his character. He grew in decorum and in capability to the need of his growing liability and command, but he never became egotistical and aspiration and opportunity never tempted him from the tapered path of honor.

Quick Facts And Trivia
  • Birthday: February 22, 1732
  • Birthplace: Wakefield, Virginia (near Pope's Creek, Virginia)
  • College or University: None
  • Religion: Episcopalian
  • Occupation or Profession: Planter, Surveyor, Military
  • Military Rank: General
  • Married: (January 6, 1759) Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis
  • Children:
    • 2 stepchildren - John "Jackie" Parke Custis (1754 - 1781) and Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis (1756 - 1773)
    • 2 stepgrandchildren - Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis and George Washington "Washy" Parke Custis
  • President number: First President of U.S.
  • Political Party: None (Washington opposed the idea of political parties)
  • Runner Up: none
  • Vice President: John Adams
  • Age at Inauguration: 57
  • Served: 1789-1797
  • Number of terms: 2
  • Other Offices or Commissions: President of Constitutional Convention, Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of new United States Army
  • Died: December 14, 1799
  • Age at Death: 67
  • Place of Burial: Mount Vernon, Virginia
Other Interesting Facts And Trivia
  • Washington was the only president to be elected unanimously.
  • Washington became known as "the father of his country."
  • Washington was the only president inaugurated in 2 cities - New York and Philadelphia.
  • Washington was the only president that did not live in the White House. He was involved in the planning of the Capitol.
  • Washington did his own bookkeeping and recorded every penny of expense or profit. His ledgers still exist today.
  • There were 13 stars on the United States flag when Washington became President in 1789.
  • Five states were added to the Union during Washington's presidency - North Carolina (1789), Rhode Island (1790), Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792), and Tennessee (1796).
  • By the time Washington became president, he had only one real tooth left. He had many sets of false teeth.
  • George Washington grew hemp/marijuana at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric was ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States.
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