Friday, 26 April 2013

Marijuana Preferable To Joints For Pain Relief

Marijuana Pills gives longer permanent pain relief than 'joints' and are less expected to get patients captivated, American researchers have originated.

The study, reported today in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, is the first to evaluate the anesthetic properties of cannabis and its artificial substitutes, and to demonstrate that both can ease keen pain in well people.

But pills are preferable, because they last longer and have fewerabuse-related" side effects.

Lead author Ziva Cooper said pills containing THC, marijuana's main psychoactive component, had a distinct therapeutic advantage over smoked marijuana.
The minimal abuse liability of oral THC, along with the significant analgesic effects, supports the potential effectiveness of the drug for chronic pain," said Dr Cooper of New York's Columbia University.

Capsules containing synthetic THC are used to fight nausea and appetite loss among cancer and HIV sufferers. Known generically as dronabinol, they have been available by prescription since the 1980s in the US and the 1990s in Australia.

But critics say pure THC is more psychoactive and less therapeutic than cannabis, because it lacks other compounds present in the natural alternative.

In the Columbia University study, regular marijuana smokers - who were otherwise healthy - immersed their hands in extremely cold water for as long as they could tolerate it. Marijuana and THC pills were equally effective at reducing their pain sensitivity, the study found.

But dronabinol elicited lower ratings forpositive drug effects"; such as howhigh" and stimulated the subjects felt and whether they would take it again.

However while dronabinol helped relieve pain for at least two hours longer than marijuana, its onset was also slower. The effects peaked about three hours after ingestion, compared to 15 minutes for marijuana.

Dr Cooper said this gave marijuana an advantage because it was easier to judge the necessary 'dose' and sufferers may be less inclined to use it until they really needed it.

She stressed that all the subjects in her study had been regular cannabis users. Non-users could have lower tolerance to either marijuana or THC pills, increasing the painkilling efficiency but also the side effects of either medication.
For More Info: San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensary

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